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Table 2 Knowledge about EBF among lactating mothers with HIV (N = 372)

From: Exclusive breastfeeding practice among HIV infected mothers in the southern highlands of Tanzania; assessing the prevalence and factors associated with the practice, an analytical cross-sectional survey

Knowledge on EBF

Incorrect n (%)

Correct n (%)

Is the early yellowish milk (colostrum) nutritious for the baby?

119 (32.0)

253 (68.0)

Do you think breast milk alone is sufficient for the baby for 0–6 months?

121 (32.5)

251 (67.5)

Should the baby be breastfed on demand?

82 (22.0)

290 (78.0)

The appropriate time to start complementary foods is soon as the baby starts the seventh month?

140 (37.6)

232 (62.4)

The child is supposed to be breastfed exclusively for 6 months

117 (31.5)

255 (68.5)

Does breast milk protect the baby from infection/diseases?

179 (48.1)

193 (51.9)

Does breast milk increase bonding between the mother and the baby?

20 (5.4)

352 (94.6)

Is it true that breast milk is cheap and available?

14 (3.8)

358 (96.2)

Exclusive breastfeeding act as a Contraception method?

232 (62.4)

140 (37.6)

Exclusive breastfeeding maintains mothers body weight

181 (48.7)

191 (51.3)

Exclusive breastfeeding prevents maternal breast cancer

253 (68.0)

119 (32.0)

Exclusive breastfeeding means give only breast milk to an infant for 6 months of life and medicines if indicated

156 (41.9)

216 (58.1)