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Table 2 Sample characteristics and HIV risk behaviour at baseline and associations with beliefs about gender roles among men aged 18 to 49 years old (n = 2792) (2014–2015)

From: High risk sexual behaviours associated with traditional beliefs about gender roles among men interested in medical male circumcision in South Africa


Beliefs about gender roles

Progressive (n = 1462)

Traditional (n = 1330)


n (%)

n (%)

Phase of enrolment

 Phase 1 (1 Apr–30 Sep 2014)

800 (50.5)

784 (49.5)


 Phase 2 (22 Jun–30 Nov 2015)

662 (54.8)

546 (45.2)


 18–24 years

600 (49.6)

609 (50.4)


 25–39 years

757 (53.9)

647 (46.1)

 ≥ 40 years

105 (58.7)

74 (41.3)

Employment status


290 (53.8)

249 (46.2)



380 (47.7)

416 (52.3)

 Some employment

104 (55.9)

82 (44.1)

 Steady employment

680 (54.0)

579 (45.9)



8 (66.7)

4 (33.3)


Alcohol use


522 (53.3)

457 (46.7)


 Occasional (≤ 1 to 3 times a month)

676 (50.9)

652 (49.1)

 Frequent (Once a week to daily)

264 (54.4)

221 (45.6)

Cannabis use


1198 (52.5)

1085 (47.5)



264 (52.2)

242 (47.8)


0 (0.0)

3 (100.0)


Number of partners in the last 12 months

 0–1 sexual partner

1059 (55.7)

844 (44.4)


 > 1 sexual partner

402 (45.3)

485 (54.7)

< 0.01


1 (50.0)

1 (50.0)


Age of sexual debut

 ≤ 17 years

810 (51.3)

769 (48.7)


 18–34 years

589 (53.6)

510 (46.4)

 Unknown age

7 (53.9)

6 (46.2)

 Never had sexb

53 (55.2)

43 (44.8)


3 (60.0)

2 (40.0)

Believe last partner was HIV positive


1097 (54.2)

926 (45.8)



45 (45.9)

53 (54.1)

 Not surec

263 (46.2)

306 (53.8)

 Not applicabled

55 (56.1)

43 (43.9)


2 (50.0)

2 (50.0)

Age of last sex partner

 > 5 years younger

387 (53.9)

331 (46.1)


 Same age

981 (51.8)

914 (48.2)

 > 5 years older

37 (49.3)

38 (50.7)

 Not applicabled

55 (56.1)

43 (43.9)


0 (0.0)

2 (100.0)

Condom use at last sex


727 (53.5)

632 (46.5)



680 (51.1)

650 (48.9)


0 (0.0)

3 (100.0)

  1. Row percentages are shown
  2. aIncludes those that reported receiving social grants
  3. bTotal who never had sex is 98. There was 1 missing age and 1 data discrepancy for this variable
  4. cUncertain of partner’s HIV status
  5. dThese participants reported never having sex