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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of 393 ART-naïve HIV infected children enrolled in the study

From: Long-term virological outcome in children receiving first-line antiretroviral therapy

Characteristics of children


Number of boys (%)

200 (51)

Mean age in years (SD)

7.6 (3.1)

Median WAZ score (IQR)

− 2.21 (− 2.7, − 1.5)

Median HAZ score (IQR)

− 2.1 (− 2.8, − 1.3)

Median WHZ score (IQR)

− 1.2 (− 1.9, − 0.5)

Median CD4 cell count (cells/mm3) (IQR)

388 (269–653)

Median HIV RNA viral load (copies/ml) (IQR)

141,000 (25,876–436,000)

Mean CD4% (SD)

16.55 (8.82)

WHO clinical stage









CD4 cell count (cells/mm3)

n (%)

 < 200

63 (16%)


102 (26%)


79 (20%)

 > 500

147 (37%)

Viral load (copies/ml)

n (%)

 < 400

10 (3%)


18 (5%)

 > 1000

361 (92%)

Number of children on

 Efavirenz-based ART regimen

96 (24%)

 Nevirapine-based ART regimen

289 (74%)

 Other regimens (3NRTIs)

8 (2%)

  1. WAZ weight for age, HAZ height for age, WHZ weight for height