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Table 1 PK studies assessing the interaction between HC and ARVs

From: Contraception in HIV-positive female adolescents

PK studies assessing the interaction between DMPA and ARVs








Cohn, Watts et al, 2006 (43, 44),

pharma sponsored partly

70 HIV+,

22-46 y

NFV (n = 21)

EFV (n = 17)

NVP (n = 16)

NRTI only (n = 16)

DMPA, single dose



EFV - no significant change

DMPA - no significant change

Progesterone < 1.6 ng/ml, no ovulation

Conclusion: DMPA is an effective contraceptive method for HIV+ women on ARVs in the study


Nanda et al., 2007 (45)

30 HIV+,

19-40 y


DMPA, single dose

ARV levels - not done

DMPA - no significant change

Progesterone - only in one woman (control group) > 5 ng/ml, might indicate ovulation

Conclusion: DMPA is an effective contraceptive method for HIV+ women on triple ARV regime in the study

PK studies assessing the interaction between EE, progestins and NNRTIs and NtNRTI


Mildvan et al., 2002 (46),

pharma sponsored

10 HIV+,

26-47 y

NVP 200 mg BID

0.035 mg EE/1.0 mg NET, single dose

↓ 29% AUC of EE

↓ 18% AUC of NET

NVP - no significant change

Conclusion: COC should not be primary method for contraception in HIV+ women on NVP


Joshi et al., 1998 (47),

pharma sponsored

13 HIV-

EFV 400 mg OD, 7 days

0.05 mg EE, single dose

↑ 37% AUC of EE

EFV - no significant change

Conclusion: no decrease in EE levels when co-administered with EFV


Sevinsky et al., 2008 (48),

pharma sponsored

28 HIV-,

18-42 y

EFV 600 mg OD, 14 days

EE/NGM, 3 cycles

EE - no significant change

↓ 64% AUC of NGMN

↓ 83% AUC of LNG

EFV - no significant change

Progesterone < 1.25 ng/ml

Conclusion: need of reliable barrier contraception when taking COC with EFV


Scholler-Guyera et al., 2009 (49),

pharma sponsored

30 HIV-, 18-45 y

ETR 200 mg BID

0.035 mg EE/1.0 mg NET, 3 cycles

↑ 22% AUC of EE

↓ 5% AUC of NET


Conclusion: no compromise in contraceptive effect


Kearney et al., 2009 (50),

pharma sponsored

20 HIV-,

19-45 y

TDF 300 mg OD

EE/NGM, 3 cycles

EE - no significant change

NGM - no significant change

TDF - no significant change

Conclusion: TDF does not alter PK of EE and NGM

PK studies assessing the interaction between EE, progestins and PIs


Ouellet et al., 1998(51),

pharma sponsored

23 HIV-, 18-45 y


500 mg BID

0.05 mg EE, single dose

↓41% AUC of EE

Conclusion: use an alternative contraceptive method when ritonavir is administered


Frohlich et al., 2004(54),

pharma sponsored partly

8 HIV-,

23.8 y

Saquinavir single dose

0.03 mg EE

0.075 mg gestoden

SQV - no significant change

Conclusion: COC does not alter single dose saquinavir


Tacket et al., 2003 (55),

pharma sponsored

22 HIV-

ATZ 400 mg

0.035 mg EE/1.0 mg NET

↑ 48% AUC of EE

↑110% AUC of NET

Conclusion: no compromise in contraceptive effect, no dose adjustment needed


Sekar et al., 2008 (52),

pharma sponsored

19 HIV-

DRV/r 600 mg/100 mg BID

0.035 mg EE/1.0 mg NET, 2 cycles

↓44% AUC of EE

↓14% AUC of NET

Conclusion: use an alternative method


Vogler et al., 2010 (53)

8 HIV+ with LPV/r, 24 HIV+ w/o LPV/r


400 mg/100 mg

0.035 mg EE/1.0 mg NET, single dose EE/NGMN skin patch for 3 w

↓45% AUC of patch EE

↑83% AUC of patch NGNM

↓55% AUC of pill EE

↓19% AUC of LPV with patch

↓23% AUC of RTV with patch

Progesterone < 2.88 ng/ml, no ovulation

Conclusion: PK of EE/NGMN significantly altered, but clinical effect probably not affected

  1. NFV = nelfinavir, EFV = efavirenz, NVP = nevirapine, NRTI = nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, AZT = zidovudine, 3TC = lamivudine, DMPA = depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, EE = ethinyl estradiol, NET = norethindrone, NGM = norgestimate, NGMN = norelgestromin, LNG = levonorgestrel, ETR = etravirine, TDF = tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, RTV = ritonavir, ATZ = atazanavir, SQV = saquinavir, DRV/r = ritonavir boosted darunavir, LPV/r = ritonavir boosted lopinavir, COC = combined oral contraceptive, PK = pharmacokinetic, AUC = area under the curve, ↑ = increase, ↓decrease, OD = once daily, BID = twice daily, pharma sponsored = the study is financed by a pharmaceutical company (manufacturer of drugs under study)