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Figure 5 | AIDS Research and Therapy

Figure 5

From: Instability of retroviral vectors with HIV-1-specific RT aptamers due to cryptic splice sites in the U6 promoter

Figure 5

Comparison of the antisense U6 promoter with splicing consensus sequences. A) Top row: the consensus splice donor and splice acceptor sequences with the intron sequences (red bold with a red bold line above) and the exon sequences (normal font with a thin line above). The necessity for the internal pyrmidine stretch is represented by the 10Y. The nucleotide-usage percentage at each position is noted as a subscript. M equals adenosine or cytosine, Y equals pyrimidines and R equals purine. Bottom row: the antisense U6 promoter sequences surrounding the 139 bp deletion with the sequences that remain (in normal font with a thin line below) and the sequences that were deleted (in red bold with a red bold line below). B) Top row: The consensus sequences for the internal branch point are represented with the nucleotide-usage percentage noted as a subscript. The distance of the invariant adenosine to the splice acceptor site is noted in parentheses. Potential branch sites: 5 potential branch sites in the antisense U6 promoter are indicated. Divergent sequences are shown in normal font and conserved sequences are shown in bold. All sequences are intronic and shown in red. The distances to the end of the deletion are noted in parentheses.

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