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Table 1 Characteristics of chronic hepatitis in cases of HIV patients with chronic non HBV/HCV hepatitis*

From: Risk factors of chronic hepatitis in antiretroviral-treated HIV infection, without hepatitis B or C viral infection

Clinical parameters

Case(n =124 )

Incidence rate , per 100 person-years


Median (IQR), duration from starting ARV to hepatitis, years


Mean ALT level at time of ALT elevation, IU/L (±SD)

73 ± 107

Mean AST level at time of ALT elevation, IU/L (±SD)

58 ± 49

Mean alkaline phosphatase level at time of ALT elevation, IU/L (±SD)

97 ± 54

Severity grading of chronic hepatitis **, n (%)


o Mild (grade 1 or 2)

122 (98.4)

o Severe, at least grade 3

2 (1.6)

Symptoms at time of ALT elevation, n (%)


o Any


o Nausea/ vomiting


o Fatigue


o Anorexia


o Flatulence


o Weight loss


o Jaundice


o Liver tenderness


  1. Abbreviation: HIV Human immunodeficiency virus, HBV Hepatitis B virus, HCV Hepatitis C virus, ALT Alanine aminotransferase, AST Aspartate aminotransferase, SD Standard deviation.
  2. * Chronic hepatitis was defined as those with elevated ALT ≥40 IU/L at 2 consecutive visits 6 months apart.
  3. **Severity grading of chronic hepatitis was classified by using ALT level: grade 1, 1.0 – 2.5 times the upper limit of normal (1.0-2.5 × ULN); grade 2, 2.6–5.0 × ULN; grade 3, 5.1–10 × ULN; grade 4, >10 × ULN [12]. Severe hepatitis was defined as having at least grade 3 ALT level.