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Table 3 Characteristics of participants

From: Assessment of satisfaction with antiretroviral drugs and the need for long-acting injectable medicines among people living with HIV in Japan and its associated factors: a prospective multicenter cross-sectional observational study

Age, median (IQR)-yr

47 (40–55)

Age group, n (%)


<50 years

394 (59)

≥50 years

273 (41)

Sex, n (%)



635 (95)


32 (5)

CD4 cell counts, median (IQR)-cells/µL

587 (444–757)

HIV-RNA, n (%)


≤ 20 copies/mL

548 (82)

20‒49 copies/mL

52 (15)

≥ 50 copies/mL

20 (3)

ART regimen consisting of the following tablet sizes, n (%)


Tablets size less than 15 mm

342 (51)

Tablets size over 15 mm

325 (49)

Duration of receipt of overall ART (medication history), n (%)


≤ 3 years

95 (14)

≥ 3 years

572 (86)

Employment, n (%)



530 (79)


110 (16)


27 (4)

Frequency of daily dosage, n (%)


Once a day

392 (59)

Twice a day

128 (19)

Three times a day

82 (12)

4 or more times a day

65 (10)

Concomitant medications, n (%)


With concomitant medications

379 (57)

Without concomitant medications

285 (43)



Daily tablet dosage (including concomitant medications), n (%)


1 tablet/day

193 (29)

2 tablets/day

139 (21)

3 tablets/day

99 (15)

4 or more tablets/day

236 (35)

  1. IQR: interquartile range, AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome, ART: antiretroviral therapy