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Table 2 HIV disability questionnaire (HDQ) scores during the pandemic (n = 63 participants)

From: Disability and self-care living strategies among adults living with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic

HDQ domain

Presence median (IQR)

Severity median (IQR)

Episodic median (IQR)

Physical symptoms

50 (25, 65)

16 (9, 25)

10 (0, 30)

Cognitive symptoms

66 (0, 100)

17 (0, 33)

0 (0, 33)

Mental-emotional health symptoms

73 (46, 91)

25 (14, 41)

9 (0, 36)

Uncertainty or worry about the future

64 (54, 86)

30 (16, 43)

0 (0, 14)

Difficulties with day-to-day activities

22 (0, 56)

11 (0, 25)

0 (0, 11)

Challenges to social inclusion

58 (25, 83)

23 (14, 48)

0 (0, 0)

  1. HIV disability questionnaire (HDQ) score range; 0–100; higher scores indicate greater presence, severity and episodic nature of disability; n = 63 participants