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Table 3 WM tracts in which clusters showing FA reductions and MD increases in HIV + children compared to controls are located, the function of the implicated tracts and neurodevelopmental tests that assess said function

From: Diffusion tensor imaging point to ongoing functional impairment in HIV-infected children at age 5, undetectable using standard neurodevelopmental assessments


Tract function [53]

Griffiths mental development scales

Subscale used

Beery-Buktenica test of visual motor integration

Corticospinal Tract

Descending projection fibres connecting motor area to the spinal cord. Arise from motor cortex of pre- and postcentral gyrus


Beery motor Co-ordination

Superior Longitudinal


Association fibres—unite different cortical areas within the same hemisphere. Bidirectional bundles connecting the frontal lobe to the parietal, temporal and occipital lobes

Function: integration of auditory and speech nuclei, spatial awareness and symmetric processing

Interruption decreases the ability to repeat spoken language and can also cause unilateral neglect

Hearing and Language

Eye and Hand Coordination



Beery—Visual Perception

Inferior Longitudinal


Connects the cortices of the anterior temporal and posterior occipital lobe and joins the inferior aspect of the SLF

Function: visual emotion and visual memory

Interruption may result in unilateral visual neglect, visual amnesia and hallucinations and also visual hypo emotionality

Eye and Hand Coordination


Practical Reasoning


Beery-visual perception

Inferior Fronto Occipital Fasciculus

Connects the ipsilateral frontal and occipital, posterior parietal and temporal lobes.

Function: integration of auditory and visual association cortices with the prefrontal cortex



Practical Reasoning


Beery-Visual Perception

Forceps Minor

The forceps minor is the anterior part of the corpus callosum, it connects the homologous regions of the anterior frontal lobes between two hemispheres. Among the regions included are the front polar cortex which has been shown to be important for cognitive behavioural control, decision making, and attention control




Practical Reasoning


Uncinate Fasciculus

Connects the orbital and inferior frontal gyri rectus to the anterior temporal lobe. It has the longest period of development in terms of FA and is the only WM tract that continues to develop beyond 30 years

Part of the limbic system

Integrity of the tract has been related to proficiency in auditory-verbal memory and declarative memory



Practical reasoning

  1. R right, L left, CST corticospinal tract, SLF superior longitudinal fasciculus, ILF inferior longitudinal fasciculus, IFOF inferior fronto occipital fasciculus, UF uncinate fasciculus