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Table 2 Patient Medication adherence

From: Adherence to anti-retroviral therapy among HIV patients in Bangalore, India

Missed Medications in Lifetime*


n – value (%)


n – value (%)

Ever Missed medications since starting ART$

21 (39.6%)

32 (60.4%)

Missed medications$ in the last 6 months

19 (35.8%)

34 (64.2%)

Missed medications$ in the last month

16 (30.2%)

37 (69.8%)

Missed medications$ in the last week

10 (18.9%)

43 (81.1%)

Patient perception of well-being


   • Sick

3 (50.0%)

3 (50%)

   • Stable

9 (39.1%)

14 (60.9%)

   • Normal

9 (37.5%)

15 (62.5%)

Previous AIDS defining illness:


   • Yes

9 (28%)

24 (72%)

   • No

10 (50%)

10 (50%)

Ailments presently suffering from


   • AIDS

8 (27.6%)

21 (72.4%)

   • Well(none)

4 (44.4%)

5 (55.6%)

   • Ill not AIDS

9 (60%)

6 (40%)

Time since Diagnosis (years)


   • <1

2 (33.3%)

8 (66.7%)

   • 1–4

8 (44.4%)

10 (55.6%)

   • 5+

13 (35%)

14 (65%)

Number of years since patient became ill


   • < 1 yr

5 (57.1%)

8 (42.9%)

   • 1–4

9 (39.1%)

14 (60.9%)

   • 5+

7 (35.7%)

10 (64.3%)

Time since starting ART (years)


   • < 1

5 (50%)

8 (50%)

   • 1–4

10 (35.7%)

18 (64.3%)

   • 5+

6 (50%)

6 (50%)

Number of tablets/day


   • <5

7 (24.1%)

22 (75.9%)

   • 5–9

10 (58.8%)

7 (41.2%)

   • 10+

3 (50%)

3 (50%)

Food Restriction


   • Yes

12 (52.2%)

11 (47.8%)

   • No

9 (30%)

21 (70%)

Temperature Restriction


   • Yes

3 (60%)

2 (40%)

   • No

18 (37.5%)

30 (62.5%)

Time Restriction


   • Yes

12 (50%)

12 (50%)

   • No

9 (31%)

20 (69%)

Perceived difficulty of regimen


   • Simple

11 (33.3%)

22 (66.7%)

   • Moderate

10 (50%)

10 (50%)

Any Side Effects


   • None

9 (34.6%)

17 (65.4%)

   • GI symptoms@

6 (50%)

6 (50%)

   • CNS

2 (40%)

3 (60%)

   • Rash/Skin discolouration


3 (100%)

   • Metabolic reasons (non-lipid)^

2 (66.7%)

1 (33.3%)

   • Lipid Problems

2 (50%)

2 (50%)

  1. * Lifetime Adherence means taking all medications as prescribed since starting treatment.
  2. $ Missed medications means not taking a prescribed medication on any day as prescribed by the physician.
  3. @ GI symptoms = Gastrointestinal tract symptoms which include diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting.
  4. ^ Metabolic reasons include diabetes mellitus.