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Table 1 Patient Demographics relative to adherence of medication regimens

From: Adherence to anti-retroviral therapy among HIV patients in Bangalore, India


Non adherent

100% Adherent *

Age Group (years)


   • 20–30

3 (42.9%)

4 (57.1%)

   • 31–40

14 (53.8%)

12 (46.2%)

   • >40

4 (23.1%)

16 (76.9%)



   • Male

15 (38.5%)

24 (61.5%)

   • Female

6 (42.9%)

8 (57.1%)



   • Regular #

13 (29.5%)

31 (70.5%)

   • Irregular

8 (88.9%)

1 (11.1%)

Education Level


   • Illiterate

2 (50%)

2 (50%)

   • Primary/Secondary

9 (80%)

18 (20%)

   • University

10 (45.5%)

12 (54.5%)

Individual Income (Rs/month)


   • <5000

5 (45.5%)

6 (54.5%)

   • 5000–19999

8 (27.3%)

15 (72.7%)

   • >20000

7 (43.8%)

9 (56.3%)

Total Family Income (Rs/month)


   • <5000

2 (33.3%)

4 (66.7%)

   • 5000–19999

8 (50%)

13 (50%)

   • >20000

8 (50%)

8 (50%)

Family Type


   • Living alone

1 (100%)


   • Nuclear

14 (41.2%)

20 (58.8%)

   • Joint/Extended

6 (37.5%)

12 (62.5%)



   • Rural

3 (33.3%)

6 (66.7%)

   • Urban

18 (40.9%)

26 (59.1%)

Distance from Clinic (Km)


   • <50

4 (33.3%)

6 (66.7%)

   • 50–200

3 (37.5%)

5 (62.5%)

   • 200–400

7 (25.0%)

13 (75.0%)

   • >400

3 (30%)

7 (70.0%)

  1. * Lifetime Adherence means taking all medications as prescribed since starting treatment.
  2. # Regular follow up meaning more than 90% attendance at 3 monthly appointments